






没有申请费. 在线申请是免费的.


你的申请需要一个电子邮件地址. We require this information to ensure that we can best serve you 和 provide you with the most up-to-date college information in the most expeditious manner.

圣保罗书院 requests your Social 安全 Number (SSN) 和 date of birth to help identify your record within the system 和 ensure that all of your data is matched together, 包括财政援助申请信息, 如果适用的话. 如果你提供你的社会安全号码和出生日期, 它将被学校官员用来进行正面识别, 制度研究, 并要求州和联邦报告. It may also be used within the system for purposes such as system consumer 和 alumni relations 和 to create summary data about system programs through data matches with other state agencies.

Make sure the program you are selecting starts on the semester for which you are applying. 不申请一个以上的课程.

mg电子试玩app录取, 你需要已经获得或即将获得高中或普通教育文凭. 如果你目前在高中,并申请PSEO计划,请 查看资格要求.

The College is asking you to provide information that includes private information under state 和 federal law. You are not legally required to provide the information the College is requesting, 然而, the College may not be able to effectively process your application if you do not provide sufficient information. 除了一些例外, 除非你同意进一步公布你的私人信息, 访问这些信息将仅限于学校官员, 包括对这些信息有合法教育利益的教员. 在某些情况下, federal 和 state laws authorize release of private information without your consent.

  • 到其他你想要或打算入学的学校, 或者注册, 如果您第一次收到发布通知
  • To federal, state, or local officials for purposes of program compliance, audit, or evaluation
  • As appropriate in connection with your application for, or receipt of, financial aid
  • To your parents, if your parents claim you as a dependent student for tax purposes
  • 如果有传票要求提供信息, 法院命令, 或者其他州联邦法律允许的, 和
  • 给教育研究机构或认证机构

Federal 和 State legislation requires that the contents of student files be open to review by the student. 申请表格, 高中成绩单, 考试日期, 信, 和 recommendations that are sent as part of any application for admission will be open to the student’s review upon request.

你打算上在线课程吗? 请注意,在选择你感兴趣的专业-学术项目时,,选择“在校园”交付方式查看mg电子试玩app的所有专业. You can then view 和 select online course options when registering for specific courses.


明尼苏达州法律(M.S. 135 A.14) requires that all students born after 1956 who are enrolled in a public or private post-secondary school in Minnesota be immunized against measles, 流行性腮腺炎, 和风疹. There are certain specific exemptions to this law as noted on the 免疫接种 Form provided as part of the application for admission. 所有其他人必须填写随附的免疫接种表. 在免疫申请表上提供的信息将, 由法律规定, will be made available for review by the Minnesota Department of Health 和 the local community health board.


You will receive notification via email that you’ve been admitted to mg电子试玩app, 你也会收到参加新生介绍会的信息, 建议 & 注册会议. At 取向, you’ll have an opportunity to register earlier with the assistance of an advisor.





  • 申请mg电子试玩app 你可以在这里做.
  • 接受阅读,英语和数学安置: We may be able to waive the placement test 和 provide the necessary placements from the list below. 如果你符合这些条件,请填写 评税豁免表格.
    • 最近5年内的ACT/SAT/MCA成绩
    • AP课程,大学水平评估达到3分或以上
    • IB课程,大学水平的评估通过了4或更高
    • 获得非正式成绩单(s)学院在学校的课程
    • 高中成绩单,平均成绩2分.过去10年内有8次或以上的犯罪记录
  • 申报专业: 你可以发邮件 registration@yn17car.com 要做到这一点.
  • 注册课程: 学生将在新生入学时注册课程 & 注册(O&R)会话. 请访问 n4e7.yn17car.com/admissions/orientation 报名参加一个O型考试&R会话. 在你到达之前&R session please reviewing the “Preparing for 取向” portion of the online orientation. 详情也可在 n4e7.yn17car.com/admissions/orientation.
  • 设置学费支付: 自掏腰包或完成你的 FAFSA 到12月16日.


我们很高兴你能回来! 以下是您在注册之前需要采取的一些步骤.

  • 重新申请mg电子试玩app: 更新您的联系方式, 主要的, 再向学校申请一个学期. 你可以在这里做.
  • 接受阅读,英语和数学安置: 你之前的职位可能已经过期了. 请联系一站式,看看这是否适用于您: registration@yn17car.com
  • 申报专业: 你可以发邮件 registration@yn17car.com 要做到这一点.
  • 注册课程: 学生将在新生入学时注册课程 & 注册(O&R)会话. 请访问 n4e7.yn17car.com/admissions/orientation 报名参加一个O型考试&R会话. 在你到达之前&R session please review the “Preparing for 取向” portion of the online orientation. 详情也可在 n4e7.yn17car.com/admissions/orientation.
  • 设置学费支付: 自掏腰包或完成你的 FAFSA 到12月16日.


欢迎来到mg电子试玩app. 我们很高兴你来了!

  • 申请mg电子试玩app 你可以在这里做.
  • 接受阅读,英语和数学安置: We may be able to waive the placement test 和 provide the necessary placements from the list below. 如果你符合这些条件,请填写 评税豁免表格.
    • C或以上的学院或大学的非正式成绩单
    • 最近5年内的ACT/SAT/MCA成绩
    • ACCUPLACER scores (Math within the last 2 years 和 Reading/Writing within the last 5 years)
    • AP课程,大学水平评估达到3分或以上
    • IB课程,大学水平的评估通过了4或更高
    • 获得非正式成绩单(s)学院在学校的课程
    • 高中成绩单,平均成绩2分.过去10年内有8次或以上的犯罪记录
  • 申报专业: 你可以发邮件 registration@yn17car.com 要做到这一点.
  • 注册课程: 学生将在新生入学时注册课程 & 注册(O&R)会话. 请访问 n4e7.yn17car.com/admissions/orientation 报名参加一个O型考试&R会话. 在你到达之前&R session please review the “Preparing for 取向” portion of the online orientation. 详情也可在 n4e7.yn17car.com/admissions/orientation.
  • 设置学费支付: 自掏腰包或完成你的 FAFSA 到12月16日.


PSEO使符合条件的明尼苏达州高中二年级学生, 初中, 大四学生参加大学课程以获得高中和/或大学学分.

The purpose of the 圣保罗书院 PSEO program is to promote rigorous academic pursuits 和 provide a wider variety of options than what may be available in the high school setting.


mg电子试玩app的指南针计划按时毕业,没有债务. 专为最近的高中毕业生和佩尔助学金获得者, 我们的项目提供经济援助以支付学费, 费用, 教科书, 运输, 基本需求.


The international student application process is for those students who will be applying for, 或者已经有了, F-1签证去mg电子试玩app.



  • 〇申请学校 你可以在这里做.
  • 接受阅读,英语和数学实习或满足课程先决条件:看看这个 课程安排 确定课程先决条件(课程或实习).If the class requires placements, we may be able to waive the placement test off of the list below. 如果你符合这些条件,请填写 评税豁免表格.
    • Unofficial Transcripts from a college or universityACT scores within the last 5 yearsSAT scores within the last 5 yearsAP课程,大学水平评估达到3分或以上IB课程,大学水平的评估通过了4或更高College in The School classesHigh School transcripts within the last 10 years
    *如果您没有任何或所有这些位置,请发送电子邮件 admissions@yn17car.com 设置或了解所需的评估.If the class requires a prerequisite class that you may have taken at a different school to register, 你需要填写a 课程许可申请表格.
  • 通过电子邮件声明“未申报”为你的专业 registration@yn17car.com.
  • 设置学费支付: 点击这里了解更多关于付款方式的信息.



如果你已经申请了或者想知道新的学生流程是什么? View the 新生核对表 to see the upcoming next steps 和 process before your education begins.




If you’re an incoming new student at mg电子试玩app, we wish you a warm welcome. We’ll help you submit your application; get reading, math 和 English placements; declare your 主要的; register for classes; set up tuition payments; 和 more.


You may be transferring to 圣保罗书院 from somewhere else or bringing your credits earned here to a four-year college or university. 无论哪种方式,我们的衔接顾问都会帮助您顺利完成转学.

高中/ pso

中学后入学选择(PSEO)允许符合条件的高中二年级学生, 初中, 和老年人在公共场合, 非公开, 或者在家庭学校参加大学课程以获得高中和/或大学学分. 最重要的是,这些学分是免费获得的.


学生 of every nationality 和 background are welcome to learn 和 earn credits here at 圣保罗书院. We currently have students from 62 different countries represented on our campus. 因为我们保证有条件录取其他大学, many students begin their studies here for a fraction of the cost 和 then transfer their credits to a four-year university.


Being an adult learner returning to college or attending for the first time can be intimidating. 但我们在这里是为了确保这个过程对你来说尽可能地无缝衔接. We’ll make sure you know how flexible your options are for classes 和 all the additional resources you may find helpful like daycare for your kids.


如果你愿意, 你可以从一门课开始修满一个学分, 发掘兴趣, 或者只是决定mg电子试玩app是否适合你. Let’s chat about what you’re looking for 和 what works best for fitting the course into your schedule.